Sunday, April 15, 2007

And He Sleeps...

"Shh...." I said as Scott and I sneaked into Will's room this evening to peak at him. He is so beautiful when he sleeps. Getting there was not always simple and watching him now made me smile when I remembered what we have done to get him to sleep.
In those first few weeks, a solid six hours of sleep was impossible. The nights of a screaming Will in his swing, long rides up and down Hwy 20, and hours of wiggling on Mommy's chest seemed endless.

On the upside, I never missed an episode of General Hospital. Soap Net reruns it at three AM everyday.
"Try the dryer" all our friends said. To dryer in his car seat, Will went. Ahhhh...worked like a charm. Peace and quiet, finally. But wait, he can't sit on the dryer all night, and the washer made for a less than comfortable cot for me. The dilemma forced me to move him (still in his car seat) to the floor next to the bed, and I prayed for an hour or two of sleep.

Looking back on those trying nights makes me smile. Now, Will finds his way to his crib at seven PM and is happy there till seven AM. We are sure that he does not sleep the entire time, but rather has wild parties with his good friends Ollie and Mack. We find him turned all directions in the crib and Ollie is usually not far from him. It is always fun to find him in the morning. We never know what we are going to see.

All of these moments have created so many photo opts. The camera is never far from the crib. Inevitably, we will find him doing something incredibly cute or sleeping some way that makes us laugh. Hence, this is the purpose of this post. I wanted everyone else to enjoy our sleeping angel, but remember getting there was not easy!!!

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