Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm Gonna Miss This...

While rocking Emma and listening to the lullaby sang by my Bissell vacuum cleaner, I began thinking about how quickly time is passing. I cannot believe that she is already three months old, and I watch Will in amazement everyday. He is changing so quickly.

I thought to myself how ridiculous it was that I was sitting in this beautiful tranquil nursery, but that the only thing that seems to soothe my daughter to sleep these days is the sound of the vacuum. It makes me laugh and sad too in someways, because I know these days are going to be over long before I want them to be. I know that I am going to miss the sound of that loud vacuum cleaner.

Will is turning into the most incredible little boy. He learns new words everyday and gives the best hugs. These past few months have been full of so much discovery and it is amazing to watch. "Pease" and "this" with finger pointing...I know that I am going to miss that....

The past few weeks have been trying for me. I am exhausted in a way that I cannot describe. The hours between 4pm and 6pm at the Pitstop are unpredictable, but can promise a lot of noise, some food on the floor, and that the vacuum will be running. Through the exhaustion and chaos, I know that I'm gonna miss this....

So my advice to all the new and expected mothers out there, slow down and enjoy. You will even miss the soothing sound of the Bissell Vacuum cleaner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE your videos! I still want to know how you do them and get the music with them! Things are CRAZY here too -- But I am loving it! :) Miss you guys!
